Japanese Bobtail


Japanese Bobtail Cat Breed


  • The Japanese Bobtail is a medium-sized breed with a slender and athletic body.
  • They have a unique tail that is naturally short and bobbed, resembling a rabbit's tail.
  • Japanese Bobtails have an alert expression with large, oval-shaped eyes and high-set ears.
  • Their coat can be either short or long, and it comes in a variety of colors and patterns.


  • Japanese Bobtails are known for their lively and outgoing personality. They are often described as being active, playful, and intelligent.
  • They form strong bonds with their human companions and enjoy being involved in their daily activities.
  • Japanese Bobtails are generally sociable cats and get along well with children and other pets.
  • They are curious by nature and enjoy exploring their surroundings. They are known to be agile jumpers and climbers.

Care and Health:

  • The grooming needs of Japanese Bobtails vary depending on their coat length. Longhaired individuals may require more frequent brushing to prevent matting, while shorthaired ones generally need less maintenance.
  • They are generally a healthy breed, but like any cat, they may be prone to certain health issues. Regular veterinary check-ups are important to ensure their overall well-being.
  • Providing a balanced diet, regular exercise, and mental stimulation through playtime and interactive toys are essential for maintaining the health and happiness of Japanese Bobtail cats.

The Japanese Bobtail is an active and sociable breed known for its distinctive bobbed tail and engaging personality. Their lively nature and unique appearance make them wonderful companions for those seeking an energetic and visually striking feline friend.


It is said that the first bobtail cats came to Japan as gifts from the emperor of China to the emperor of Japan. They have been known in the island nation for at least 1000 years. Their short tails were a naturally occurring phenomenon that was then interrupted by selective breeding.

For centuries, cats were not only imperial pets, but also keepers of grain and protectors of the lucrative silkworms, both of which were threatened by rodents. Bobtails with tricolor fur - red and black on a white background - became known as popular symbols of happiness.

Three of the cats were imported to the United States in 1968. In 1976, the short-haired breed was recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association. The long-haired Japanese Bobtail did not receive CFA recognition until 1993. Today, the Japanese Bobtail is recognized by all North American registries.


This is a medium sized cat weighing 6 to 10 pounds.


This active and affectionate cat will "speak" to you in a soft, chirping voice. You will be amazed at how extensive his cat vocabulary is. It's not loud at all, but it has a lot to say and a range of tones to say it in.

If he does not tell you about his day or ask about yours, he will most likely carry a favorite toy or splash his paw in your koi pond or aquarium. He likes to play with water, so you can turn on the taps or find puddles next to his bowl of water.

The Japanese bobtail is playful and smart. He will enjoy the challenge with a rotating puzzle assortment or fun chasing a lid on a fishing rod. He is very good at learning tricks and even goes on a leash when he likes it. But when you sit down, expect this friendly cat to find a place in your lap.

This is an adaptable cat that travels well, making them a great choice for bubbly families or people who like an RV lifestyle. On the other hand, he can be stubborn and difficult to change his mind about what is okay and who is not. He's a busy cat and needs company - humans or another bobtail would be his first choice - but a dog will be enough to keep him entertained in a pinch if you make money on food and toys. Remember that a bored bobtail is a fantastically creative bobtail - and not necessarily in a way that you will appreciate.


Both pedigree and mixed breed cats have different frequencies of health problems that can be genetic. Japanese bobtails are generally healthy, and the recessive gene that the bobtail produces is not linked to spine or bone abnormalities. Be sure to ask a breeder about the presence of health problems in their ranks and what tests have been done for genetic lineages.


Since the Japanese bobtail has a little undercoat, both the short-haired and the long-haired varieties are very easy to take care of. Tangles are rare and a weekly comb removes dead hair. Both long hair and short hair fall out seasonally.

The coat is very water-repellent, so it is good that a bath is rarely necessary; It takes some work to get a Japanese bobtail wet enough to shampoo.

Always handle the tail carefully, especially if it is stiff rather than flexible.

Brush their teeth to prevent periodontal disease. Daily dental hygiene is best, but weekly brushing is better than nothing. Cut their nails every two weeks. Wipe the eyes with a soft, damp cloth to remove any discharge. Use a separate area of the cloth for each eye so that you do not risk spreading an infection.

Check the ears every week. If they look dirty, wipe them with a cotton ball or a soft, damp cloth dampened with a 50-50 mixture of apple cider vinegar and warm water. Avoid using cotton swabs, which can damage the inside of the ear.

Keep the Japanese Bobtail's litter box immaculately clean. Cats attach great importance to hygiene in the bathroom. A clean litter box also helps keep a long-haired bobtail coat clean.

It is a good idea to keep a Japanese Bobtail as an indoor cat just to protect it from diseases transmitted by other cats, attacks from dogs or coyotes and other dangers that cats face when they go outside, such as being hit by a car. Japanese bobtails that go outside also risk being stolen by someone who wants such a beautiful cat without paying for it.

Fur color and grooming

The narrative feature of this breed is, of course, a short "rabbit" tail, which can be flexible or rigid, with one or more curves, angles or kinks, preferably extending no more than three inches from the body. The fur blows out to create the look of a pompom on a short hair or a flowering chrysanthemum on a long hair. Each cat in the breed has a unique tail.

The Japanese bobtail is also known for its tricolor calico pattern - called "mi-ke", which means three-field and pronounced "mee-kay" - but other popular colors are black and white or red and white. It is also available in one color and with a turtle pattern and tabby pattern. Some cat registers allow pointed or sepia-colored fur. Strong, dramatic drawings and vibrant contrasting colors are a hallmark of this breed. The eyes can have any color, including blue or odd (each eye has a different color).

The silky coat can be short-haired or long-haired. In both lengths, the cats have a little undercoat. Long-haired bobtails can have a ruff, a long coat on the belly and a coat that is noticeably longer on the tail and upper hind legs (britches) than on the upper body. Some have fur on their ears and toes.

He has a slim but muscular body, long, slender legs that are noticeably further back, although they are angled enough to keep the body level rather than rise back and a finely chiseled head with high cheekbones, large oval, oblique eyes and large , upright, expressive ears.

Children and other pets

Bobtail is suitable for families with children because it shares their high energy levels. He is available for everything from picking up a guest at a tea room to dressing up dolls and carrying them around in a stroller. Always monitor children to make sure they pat and play the cat well and do not pull on the ears or turn the tail. Thanks to his lovable and fearless nature, he also likes to live with cat-friendly dogs. Introduce pets slowly and under controlled conditions to ensure that they learn to get along with each other.


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