European Burmese


European Burmese Cat Breed


  • The European Burmese is a medium-sized breed with a muscular and compact body.
  • They have a rounded head with full cheeks and a short to medium-length neck.
  • European Burmese cats have a silky, close-lying coat that comes in a variety of solid colors, such as sable, champagne, blue, and platinum.
  • They have large, expressive eyes that are usually yellow or gold in color.


  • European Burmese cats are known for their affectionate and people-oriented nature. They form strong bonds with their human companions and enjoy being in their presence.
  • They are often described as being social and enjoy interacting with family members and guests.
  • European Burmese cats are generally playful and intelligent, enjoying interactive toys and engaging in stimulating activities.
  • They are usually gentle and adapt well to different lifestyles, making them suitable for various households.

Care and Health:

  • The European Burmese's short, silky coat is relatively low maintenance and requires minimal grooming. Occasional brushing helps to remove loose hair and keep the coat looking its best.
  • They are generally a healthy breed with no specific breed-related health issues. However, regular veterinary check-ups are important to monitor their overall well-being.
  • Providing a balanced diet, regular exercise, and mental stimulation through playtime and interactive toys are essential for maintaining the health and happiness of European Burmese cats.

The European Burmese is an affectionate and sociable breed known for its loving nature and beautiful coat. Their gentle temperament and interactive personality make them wonderful companions for individuals and families seeking a devoted and engaging feline friend.


The Burmese ancestors are the Siamese and the "copper cat" from Burma (now Myanmar). It is believed to be temple and palace treasures bred and kept by priests. The matriarch of modern Burmese was a small, dark brown cat named Wong Mau. It belonged to Dr. Joseph Thompson, who either bought it from a sailor or took it back from his voyages, depending on what history one believes.

Wong Mau was originally considered a Siamese with chocolate-colored fur. Such Siamese were not uncommon. "Chocolate Siamese" was described in the 1880s. Their bodies were tanned or brown, and they had spots of seal brown or almost black. Seal Point Siamese, also known as Royal Siamese, had lighter bodies protruding from their dark tips and were preferred by breeders and the general public. The chocolate-colored cats eventually disappeared in Britain, but they still existed in Thailand and Burma, where they were likely offspring of natural (as opposed to human-controlled) matings between free-ranging Siamese (spitz) and monochrome Burmese cats. Wong Mau was one of them. It was her destiny to become the matriarch of two new races: the Burmese and later the Tonkines.

Dr. Thompson bred Wong Mau with a Siamese sealing point called Tai Mau. His breeding program, in collaboration with breeders Virginia Cobb and Billie Gerst and geneticist Clyde Keeler, produced kittens with beige, brown and pointed fur. The results, including the discovery of the Burmese gene, were so interesting that Thompson published an article on the subject in the Journal of Heredity, the first of its kind on cat genetics. The brown cats were chosen to develop as a new breed: the Burmese.

The Cat Fanciers Association began registering Burmese in 1936 but suspended registration in 1947 because breeders still used Siamese in their breeding programs. Registrations resumed in 1953 after the exercise was suspended.

In Europe, however, the development of the Burmese took a different path. In the UK, where there was an even greater shortage of breeding animals than in the United States, red dot Siamese and British shorthair were used in breeding programs, and their genetic contributions included additional colors: red, cream, brown shield, chocolate shield, blue turtle and purple turtle. They eventually became known as foreign Burmese or European Burmese.


This is a medium-sized cat that usually weighs 6 to 10 pounds, sometimes more.


When it comes to personality, the European Burmese and the Burmese are in line. The European Burmese is energetic and friendly. He has the charm and determination of his Siamese ancestors and enjoys conversation as much as this breed, but his voice is soft and sweet, which contradicts his tendency to run the household with an iron paw wrapped in fluffy fur. He is very intelligent and seeks human company, so he is not best suited for a home where he is left alone for most of the day. If no human is around to keep their intellect busy, make sure they are accompanied by another pet. He gets along well with other cats and dogs, but of course another Burmese (of some kind) will be his best friend.

The European Burmese is about as curious as cats. Expect him to carefully explore your home and know all the rough edges. He is playful and remains so in adulthood. Tease his smart mind with interactive toys and teach him tricks to use to present himself in front of an audience. In addition to sitting, turning, waving and coming, he can learn to pick up a small toy or go on a leash. With the right early conditioning, car trips and veterinary visits will be a breeze.

A European Burmese is a good choice if you are not opposed to complete loss of privacy. This cat will want to be involved in everything from reading the newspaper and using the computer to cooking and watching TV. Of course he sleeps in bed with you and even gets to crawl under the covers. When you sit down, it lies on your lap or next to you, waiting to be petted. You will be scolded for ignoring him. His full attention will be paid to the guests, and it is likely that he will win over even those who say they do not like cats.

A female European Burmese is the definition of queen. She likes attention and she likes to be responsible. Men are calmer and happier to complete a round. Regardless of what you choose, the chances are high that you will soon be craving another.


Both pedigree and mixed breed cats have different frequencies of health problems that can be genetic. European Burmese are generally healthy, although they are prone to gingivitis and may be susceptible to anesthesia. The following diseases have also been observed in European Burmese:

  • Lipemia of aqueous humor, a temporary milky appearance of the eye during the kitten age that usually disappears on its own.
  • Corneal dermoid, the presence of skin and hair on the surface of the cornea that can be successfully corrected surgically.
  • Gangliosidos, an enzyme deficiency. A test has been developed that can be used to detect the disease.
  • Orofacial pain syndrome, indicated by excessive licking and chewing movements and paws on the mouth. The discomfort can increase if the cat is upset or stressed and the cats often do not eat because the activity is painful. Some cats must wear an Elizabethan collar and have their paws bandaged to prevent injury. Some cases resolve themselves and then return. Cause and type of inheritance are unknown. Painkillers and antiepileptic drugs can help, as well as consulting a veterinarian to rule out dental disease.
  • Congenital peripheral vestibular disease that causes head tilt, imbalance, rapid eye movements and uncoordinated gait in kittens. Some kittens with this condition may also be deaf.
  • Hypokalemic polymyopathy, muscle weakness caused by low potassium levels in the blood, which sometimes occurs in Burmese kittens. Signs are general weakness, stiff gait, reluctance to walk and shaking of the head. It can be treated with potassium supplements given orally.
  • Flat-chested feline syndrome, a deformity that can range from mild to severe. Kittens that survive adulthood usually show no signs when they reach maturity.
  • Cracked tail, usually due to a deformity of the tailbone. It does not cause pain or discomfort.
  • Osteoarthritis of the elbow, an early onset of arthritis in the elbow that reduces the cat's activity or mobility.
  • Endocardial fibroelastosis, a heart disease in which the left ventricle thickens and the heart muscle stretches. Signs usually develop when a kitten is 3 weeks to 4 months old, which is a good reason to wait up to 4 months to get a kitten home.
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy, an enlarged heart.
  • Diabetes mellitus, an endocrine disease caused by a disturbance in the secretion or action of insulin that leads to high blood sugar levels.


The soft, short coat of the European Burmese is easy to care for with brushing or combing every week to remove dead hair and distribute skin oil. A bath is rarely necessary.

Brush their teeth to prevent periodontal disease. Daily dental hygiene is best, but weekly brushing is better than nothing. Wipe the eyes with a soft, damp cloth to remove any discharge. Use a separate area of the cloth for each eye so that you do not risk spreading an infection. Check their ears every week. If they look dirty, wipe them with a soft, damp cloth dampened with a 50-50 mixture of apple cider vinegar and warm water. Avoid using cotton swabs, which can damage the inside of the ear.

Keep the litter box completely clean. Like all cats, the European Burmese also pays special attention to bathroom hygiene.

It is a good idea to keep a European Burmese as an all-in-one cat to protect them from diseases transmitted by other cats, attacks by dogs or coyotes and other dangers that cats face when walking outdoors, for example. B. to be hit by a car. European Burmese who go outdoors also risk being stolen by someone who wants such a beautiful cat without paying for it.

Fur color and grooming

Apart from the color, the European Burmese and Burmese have other differences in appearance. Europe has a more moderate appearance, especially when it comes to the main type. It is more gently rounded with a body that is less compact, but never long and smooth like the Siamese. The top of the head is slightly rounded with plenty of space between the ears and wide cheekbones that taper to a short, blunt wedge. The eyes, which vary in color from yellow to yellow, are more inclined towards the nose and have a less rounded opening than the Burmese eyes. Medium-sized ears are slightly rounded at the tips and tilt slightly forward. Narrow legs are supported by small, oval paws. A medium-length tail tapers slightly to a rounded tip.

Like the Burmese, the European Burmese is heavier than it looks and can also claim the name "a brick wrapped in silk". He wears a short and silky coat that is available in 10 different colors: brown, blue, chocolate, purple, red, cream and brown, blue, chocolate and purple. The coat colors are gradually shaded towards the roots, with the underside of the body slightly lighter than the top. The red European Burmese comes in a warm orange apricot shade and may have small spots on the face. Cream-colored cats can also have light tabby markings, and their nasal skin and paw pads are pink. Blue is the same as the Burmese, and the purple coat is the same as the Burmese platinum coat. Brown is a rich, warm seal brown and chocolate is a warm milk chocolate color. The turtle has color spots all over its body.

Children and other pets

The active and social European Burmese is the perfect choice for families with children and cat-friendly dogs. He plays pick-up like any other retriever, learns tricks easily and loves the children's attention who treats him politely and respectfully. He lives peacefully with cats and dogs who respect his authority. Always introduce pets slowly and under controlled conditions to ensure that they learn to get along with each other.


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